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AI-Based Visual Inspection

We usually check on the foods before serving them to our guests, so that they will not get any trouble after having that. Simultaneously, for a business, it is necessary to check on the products of their production line to check the quality of the products. And this process is called visual inspection. In the whole process, a person who is known as the inspector will check all the products by running them through some tests and visually checking on them, to detect if there are any damages or defects. After the approval, the products will be launched in the market. Sometimes the inspectors have to check the production equipment ads well, to make sure that everything is in a good state. But this whole visual inspection consists of daily repetitive tasks and consumes a lot of time, say for example a whole day or more than a day. And in this hard time when the maximum of the employees are not present in the workplace physically, the inspection is taking more and more time, and here comes the super entry of Artificial Intelligence. So let’s see how AI is taking over the Visual Inspection and its benefits.

What is AI-Based Visual Inspection?

We know Artificial Intelligence and its vast applications with its deep learning and automation to make our lives simpler, and superior at a cheaper cost. Now it has been stepped up on the production and development part of the business with its vision system. For a decade, the businesspersons have been implementing automation in their process for better improvements. And now based on the new trend, they started implementing automation and AI technology in their production. AI-based vision has been augmented across the industries to make a better inspection of the products and earn more revenue. Whereas, this AI-based vision works pretty much the same work that an experienced human eye is capable of. Then why is this AI-based vision system important? Let’s find it out in the next part.

Why is the Manual Vision Inspection not Enough?

To inspect the products manually there should be a requirement of human laborers who will perform all the tests and examinations to be assured about the quality of the products, and then s/he can pass the judgment about the products based on their own knowledge and training experience. But the visual inspection is the way to do all the work with the vision of a machine, which will eventually be powered by machine learning. Machine learning will help the machines to learn from their own experience, besides they will work based on the datasets that have been put into it for the work. Also, for the automation part, human labor is not needed in the process to operate the machine every time. It can perform on the tasks automatically. Besides, manual visual inspection is a repetitive time-consuming work, which will let the human laborers be busy all day, whereas the machines can complete these tasks in a faster and safer way. And thus it is letting the human laborers focus on the other important tasks for which the human touch is must-needed. Also, the error rate is fewer when it comes to the machines, whereas it consists of some human error while inspecting the products manually. Many research shows that the chances of getting the visual error decreased by up to 35% by using the machine vision, which again can be removed with proper training and datasets.

And, when in this pandemic due to the lockdown, almost all of your employees are working from home except the ones who do the manual labor work, you shouldn’t waste the chance to use your manual power for the other important works. Let the machines handle all the repetitive tasks and make more efficient results.

Benefits of using AI-based Vision System in the Production

Following are the benefits that a business process can get by implementing the AI-based vision system in their production,

Machines are more Efficient than Humans.

Humans are living organisms, they have feelings, and their own lives. Doing repetitive tasks for the whole day can make them frustrated and thus there can be a chance for getting errors in the results. Also, if the concentration has been moved for a single time, the whole examination will be a waste of time and the result will be zero. And this is impossible for the case of machines. While a machine having AI in the system is going for work, they gain their knowledge with the datasets that we put into them regarding the to-do works. Based on that dataset, they proceed for the work. Also, they can work without having a break, and thus they are saving the break times of the human laborers. And hence with the help of data, the machines are not only capable of doing work efficiently, but also increasing productivity.

Machines can provide faster and better results.

Accuracy is the best thing one can expect from a machine, whereas a manual inspection can consist of few errors. For doing manual inspections, one has to go through certain documents, journals, and then they can come to the conclusion. Whereas, the machines are capable of providing accurate results based only on their datasets. Also in the quality control check, the machine vision is well enough to track the full production history and capture it, which is not possible in the manual inspection. And if any further errors have been found in the manufacturing process, then the machines can provide us a brief idea of the process with its tracking, which will cost more to find out in case of manual inspection. Also, the machines are able to detect the damage and defects by having a look at the products based on their previous experience, which will give faster results.

Machines are the best in Time and Cost Saving.

Machine vision can save both the time and cost of the business process. They can save time by detecting if there are damages or errors in the production process by having a look at the products and make the decision based on their previous experience. Whereas in the manual vision inspection, it can consume a full day or more. And also having AI-based machines in the process, means you don’t need to hire any person to operate the machines or the examinations. You just have to invest one time for the machines, and thus you can save the costs per head. And both the time and cost-saving are vital for the business nowadays, as the post quarantine come-back may be a big push on the budget.

The above passages show you the importance and benefits of having an AI-based vision system in the business process. Automation is going to be a must-have technological help in almost all the business sectors. This automation and machine learning make our lives more digitized, updated, and simpler. The costs and time are both being saved with the help of the machines. Based on previous experience, the machines are capable of detecting flaws and making wise decisions. But one thing we should keep on the mind, machines do work on their own. We have to put the data into them to make them capable of doing the work. We have to be careful in this data part because, if any of the data came out wrong then the whole effort will be a waste of time and the result will be a big zero. But with the right dataset, the machines are capable to work more efficiently and make the employer brand stronger with a competitive advantage.

Thank you for reading the full article. Please share it with your friends and colleagues if you like this article and don’t forget to give your comments. Also, please let us know if you have anything on your mind that you may want to add in this article, it will help us for betterment. If you need any AI-based solutions for your business, please contact us. The WinSquares team is always ready to serve you with the best quality work. Thank you again!


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